Protecting website content and media from copy, hacks and other exploits requires more than intrusion detection and anti-virus software. In fact such software would not be needed if simple common sense can be applied.
However you do much better by using site protection software that ticks all the boxes. With solutions like the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) you can prevent the direct access that hackers and their exploit detecting tools require to reach your website content, while at the same time create a secure tunnel between your website and the user’s web browser in which nothing can be extracted, downloaded or copied in any way.
When SSL is used to access your website, not even packet sniffers can extract any useful data. Nor can data and content be extracted from web browser cache or memory.
Any and all media media including images, text and video can be most securely displayed in the ArtisBrowser without fear of theft, piracy or plagiarism. The only media that cannot be secured in is natural state is PDF because PDF is allowed to be accessed by Adobe Reader resources, even when embedded on a web page, it can never be properly protected… not without encrypting the PDF and the best solution for that, and the only one that works on web pages today, is the CopySafe PDF Protection software.
Using ASPS on websites created with WordPress, Moodle, Drupal, Joomla and DNN could not be easier, thanks to the CMS plugins provided by ArtistScope. Adding copy protection to any web page within an ASPS web site is as simply as nominating its URL or a keyword found in its URL such as “lesson, course, etc”.
For an on obligation free consultation about security and copy protection for your website, simply email ArtistScope with an outline of what you need.