While Data Protection in the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) is about restrictions on the collection of personal data of website visitors, Data Protection and the prevention of Data Leakage is about the process of protecting important information from plagiarism, corruption or deletion.
Take control of user access to your website data and information by using site protection software to protect data integrity and prevent data leakage, allowing access to only those who abide by your protection policy and terms of use.
By using site protection software like the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS) you can close off access to the public more securely than with any other solution. ASPS can ensure that access to your web content and the means of accessing your online data, whether it be stored as documents or stored dynamically in databases, can only be accessed according to your specific requirements and security policy.
ASPS web pages require the ArtisBrowser which is a purposefully designed web browser to secure websites and protect the media that it displays from all exploits including copy and download. No data can be extracted from web browser cache or memory, making if the perfect tool for accessing online records. The ArtisBrowser is the only web browser that can identify each user by their unique computer signature which can be logged and used for user verification, thus ensuring the tightest control over who can access your data.
Such user validation is often referred to as DRM and while ASPS does not include DRM as standard feature due to the fact that any inbuilt DRM system will more than likely conflict with a website’s current membership access controls, ArtistScope can provide a DRM solution that can be added separately to any type of website.
DRM can be provided for any type of web site. For more information please see ArtistScope DRM.