Copy Protecting PDF Embedded On Web Pages

While the distribution of PDF to select users using password protection may suffice, the publishing of PDF on web pages requires very much more secure measures to ensure that it is not easily accessible for theft and plagiarism by everyone on the planet.

But the problem with using normal PDF embedded on a web page is that there will always be copy,/save options provided by the Adobe Reader tool bar which can no longer be removed. So to copy protect PDF displayed on web pages today, encryption and the use of a proprietary reader resource is necessary. But while there is a lot of PDF security software offered online, very few can be used to display protected PDF on web pages.

Using JavaScript to dissemble a PDF and display it on a web page as HTML on a web page that uses copy protection is one alternative, but even when using the most secure web page protection like the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS), without careful planning and common sense, the original PDF may stillĀ  be downloaded directly from the server.

ASPS can be ideal if the website is hosted on a dedicated or virtual server with admin rights to install software at system level, but if the website is on a shared hosting service, then the best alternative is then to use the CopySafe PDF Protection software which uses encryption and domain locking to ensure that the PDF cannot be displayed elsewhere.

Add-on plugins are available for using both ASPS and CopySafe PDF with all of the popular CMS like WordPress, Moodle, Drupal, Joomla and DNN, enabling site owners to easily add copy protected media to their web pages from their online editor.

Support for all Devices/OS

CopySafe PDF is for Windows users only but while that may be ideal for corporate networks and select clients, to display copy protected PDF for all types of users you can use an online solution:

Guest Video provides a copy protected web hosting service that includes copy protection. Those protected pages can be viewed directly or embedded into existing pages by using the WordPress plugin.

Or existing WordPress sites can use the SafeGuard Media plugin to add copy protected images, PDF or video to any web page or post.

For more information or obligation free consultation, please use the contact form on the ArtistScope website.